Stay in Shape on the Road
Staying in shape on the road without spending your time in the gym
Run: It’s all about the soft J! Find a path along the beach, through the city or around the country and go for a jog or yog? Not only do you get a great cardio workout, you take-in your surroundings in a way that you’d never experience in a car or bus.
Hike: It’s good for you and the fresh air helps to clear the head. The views and adventure makes it all worth while and the photos will prove that you saw more than the inside of the pub.
Bike: Check at your hostel or around town and rent a pushy, the uphill is the burn, but the downhill is excitement. For more Tour du France savvy cyclists, ask about mountain bike trails or where the best road bike rout is.
Kayak: Whether through a lake or harbor, or out in the ocean, paddling is the only thing that’s going to make you move. It’s easy to forget that your arms and shoulders are going to hurt when sea lions and dolphins occupy your thoughts.
Surf: If that’s what you do it’s a no-brainer! But if it doesn’t come naturally you’ll use muscles you never thought you had, not to mention earn some bragging rights!
Stand-Up Paddle: It’s a great way to get out and see the ocean without actually being in it. You’ll be surprised how much of a core workout you got and all while working on your tan. Please just hang up the big board when there is surf, it’s for going from place A to B, not surfing.
Snorkel: In order to follow those colorful creatures under the water you need to kick you legs like a motorboat and flop your arms around. While you may look like you’re drowning the motions strengthen your body, assuming you do stay afloat!
Swim: Go for a swim, 80 percent of the earth is ocean, which means you’re likely to have an idea where that large, salty body of water is. On the odd chance that you’ve watched jaws one to many times, look for a lake, river, or pool. If you’re going the chlorinated rout, try buying a weeklong pass to save some coin.
Snowboard/Ski: Assuming you’re in a place that gets snow, venture
to the mountains. Strap on a helmet and choose your weapon(snowboard/skis) and park yourself on the chairlift for some hight altitude excitement. If you’re good your whole body’ll be sore, if you’re not your whole will revolt against you the next day! Its a great work out in a winter wonderland.
River Rafting: It may seem like the easy way out as gravity does most of the work, but by the end of six hours on the water you’ll feel it! Turns out that when you do have to paddle they make you go hard! The excitement makes you forget that it’s basically the same as a rowing machine.
Rock Climbing: It’s your chance to tackle that fear of heights and meet people who like to spend time outdoors. By the end of day you won’t be able to open the door to your hotel room.
Yoga: Yoga’s changed, its not just so you can put yourself in the pretzel anymore. Look around for fast paced classes that’ll get your heart pumping. In many of the urban areas you can find cheap early classes in the park or out on the beach. Or for the brave try the hot yoga, were they pump the temp up and inspire you sweat out those tequila shots!
Skateboard/Rollerblade/Roller skate: There’s many types of skateboards, if you’re not Tony Hawk, which most of us aren’t, rent yourself a long board(a skateboard that’s long) and kick it around town. If you were of age in the 90’s you may be permanently scarred by the rollerblade culture. If not, throw on a pair of hot pants, crimp your hair and cross step your way around town. Roller skating has
made somewhat of a comeback, more in the sense that people love retro! So find a park with plenty of open space, strap on your Walkman and relive those junior high skate nights!
Walk: Just get out and go! Explore your surroundings by skipping the taxi, bus or metro. You’ll save money and get to know the area, its amazing what you’ll find and who you’ll meet?
Volley Ball: Hit the beach, spread that baby blue zink on and grab a pick up game of volleyball. Jumping, running, diving and spiking all tone those muscles. You’ll make new friends, spend a day on the beach and earn that first drink.
Fishing: I’m talking about deep sea fishing, where the fish are bigger and badder! If it’s a good day you’ll be strapped into a chair with a gimble belt and left to tussle with sashimi that’s bigger than you! When the fight is over you’ll have a hell of a story to tell and a whole body workout.
Pack Heavy: Think of it as more is better, bring 5 pairs of shoes, all the cloths you can fit and every bottles of hair product you may need. You’ll get to lug your bags up three flights of stairs and down again. Most places don’t have an elevator so feel the legs burn and the arms shake! It’s the price you pay for looking so good.